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About the Journal

Chornancap Law Review

ISSN: 2961-2934 (online)  |  ISSN: 2961-2926 (Printed)  |  DOI: 10.61542/rjch

Focus and scope

Chornancap Law Review, is an open access, peer-reviewed scientific journal published every six months (july and december) by the Ilustre Colegio de Abogados de Lambayeque, Peru, in both physical and electronic versions, in Spanish and English.

Receives original and unpublished works that reflect on problems related to the different branches of Law, with local, national, regional and global transcendence, such as Human Rights, Constitutional Law, Criminal Law, Civil Law, Procedural Law, Administrative Law, Philosophy of Law and General Theory of Law, among others. Generating a generational dialogue between academic communities of Legal Sciences worldwide.

The target audience of Chornancap Law Review is mainly: (i) national and international legal researchers, (ii) legal professionals, and (iii) the university community.

Each issue of the magazine, mainly, will have the following sections: thematic dossier, free theme, which will include:

  • Research articles: includes theoretical, methodological, empirical and case study research, with a minimum length of 10 pages and a maximum of 30 pages (5,000 - 15,000 words).
  • Literature review or systematic article: academic work that synthesizes and evaluates the existing literature on a specific topic, with a recommended length of 15 pages (7,500 words).
  • Editorials: includes editorial notes or presentations of the issue written by the editor, director or by invitation, which do not exceed five (5) pages. Exceptions.
  • Reviews: include reviews or comments on books related to law published in the last two years, with a maximum length of four (4) pages and must have complete bibliographic data of the material reviewed.
Peer review process

The articles of the journal are refereed under the double-blind review modality, in which the evaluators external to the institution do not know the data of the authors at the time of the review. The reviewers, at the time of the review, take into account criteria such as: originality, contribution of the work, timeliness and contribution to legal knowledge.


Chornancap Law Review, is a biannual journal, published in july and december.

Open access policy

Chornancap Law Review provides free, free and immediate access to its electronic content on its website, under the principle of making available and free public access to research, since this is the only way to promote and generate a greater and effective exchange of global knowledge.
The use, reproduction and dissemination of the journal for commercial purposes requires the mandatory permission of the authors and the editorial team of the journal.

Self-Archive Policy

Chornancap Law Review adopts policies oriented to Open Science practices, allowing and encouraging authors to share and disseminate their articles on their personal or institutional websites and to deposit them in their institutional repositories, providing the bibliographic information that proves the first publication.

Interoperability protocol

The publications of Chornancap Law Review are designed with interoperability protocols that facilitate the harvesting of its contents by distribution systems, such as digital repositories and harvesters. Using the OJS platform (Open Journals System, the journal integrates the OAI-PMH protocol (Open Archive Initiative-Protocol for Metadata Harvesting), which allows access to metadata in multiple formats.

Publication fees (APC)

Chornancap Law Review does not charge any fee for the reception, evaluation and publication of articles. The journal is fully funded by the Ilustre Colegio de Abogados de Lambayeque.


The journal was created at the initiative of the Board of Directors 2023-2024 of the Ilustre Colegio de Abogados de Lambayeque., through Resolución N°006-2023/ICAL/D, del 05 de mayo de 2023.

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