The editorial team will decide every six months on the existence and theme of a dossier, which will include research and review articles based on completed research. These papers should clearly demonstrate their contribution to disciplinary discussions in theoretical and/or methodological terms, or to the expansion and reflection of knowledge on the issues related to the dossier.
Manuscripts that do not correspond to the thematic dossier of each edition may be submitted to the ‘Free subject’ section, to be evaluated and, if they pass the peer review process, to be published in the immediate edition of the current call for papers. Submissions can be sent to this section at any time of the year.
This section is reserved only for prominent jurists and authors of special relevance to one of the branches of Law. After analysing the level of contribution and contribution to Law, the Editorial Team may authorise the publication of articles without the need for external peer review.
The aim of this section is not only to facilitate access to those works and research that, for various reasons, are not freely available or easy to read (language issues), but also to create a space for the recognition of legal specialists whose contributions have laid the foundations for the legal sciences.
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