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Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024): 40 years of Peruvian Civil Code

The civil consequences of the death of the accused in the Peruvian criminal process

March 4, 2024


The purpose of this research article is to analyze the consequences of a civil nature, particularly procedural, upon the death of the accused within the framework of a criminal proceeding in the different stages of the latter, for which purpose a documentary review of the criminal and civil procedural regulations has been carried out, as well as a documentary review of the national and international jurisprudence related to the subject under investigation. It was concluded that the death of the “accused” human being in the Peruvian criminal process not only entails non-patrimonial consequences, but also procedural consequences of a criminal nature, which raises consequences of a civil and patrimonial nature. The civil liability includes the transmission of the obligations to the heirs and the guarantee of compliance with the civil reparation imposed.


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