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Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Criminal justice, fundamental rights and democratic state

Surrogacy: between human dignity and private autonomy

July 16, 2023


The surrogacy agreement is developed in the civil legal sphere and transcends the different legal disciplines, as a consequence, it generates a great number of problems. One of the most basic problems is circumscribed in the alleged dilemma between dignity and autonomy. With the present research I do not intend to solve the problem, but to dissolve it. Resolving the alleged dilemma implies confronting dignity and autonomy in order to obtain a winner; on the contrary, understanding that respect for dignity guarantees the space for autonomous action of the person implies dissolving the problem, that is, clarifying that dignity and autonomy flow harmoniously, since they are not antagonistic and, therefore, there is no conflict whatsoever. Once the fallacy is overcome, I analyze the compatibility of the practice with the legal system to establish its legal feasibility. Thus, since there is no impediment to conceive on demand, it is understood to be permitted, but due to the interests involved, I make clear a special regulation on surrogacy of the womb as part of the private sphere of the development of the human person in society


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