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Ethical standards

Chornancap Revista Jurídica follows ethical standards in relation to the publication of manuscripts, thereby declaring its commitment to the exclusion of inappropriate conduct in the scope of its activity. To this end, during the process of editing and reviewing manuscripts, the editor will be guided by the guidelines suggested by the Code of Conduct and Best-Practice for Journal Editors (Comittee on Publication Ethics).

Ethical guidelines for reviewers

To ensure an objective, constructive and unbiased rating that evidences the academic quality of the manuscript submitted for evaluation, reviewers should take into account the following guidelines:

  • If they accept an invitation to act as reviewers for the journal, they should evaluate and declare any potential conflicts of interest (whether professional, personal, intellectual, financial, political, or ideological) and review the journal's conflict of interest (COI) policy. If they have concerns about a potential conflict of interest that might prevent them from reviewing the manuscript, they should raise this issue with the editors for consideration..
  • The personal and professional information they provide should be accurate and accurately reflect their expertise in the field, thus ensuring a fair and impartial review of the article.
  • Reviewers should be aware of their responsibilities regarding the confidentiality of the review process and ownership of the review work, according to the peer review model adopted by the journal. Accordingly, they should avoid using information obtained during the peer review process for their own benefit or that of third parties. Likewise, they must maintain the confidentiality of the review process and not disclose the details of the manuscript after the review, unless they have the explicit permission of the author or the journal.
  • The evaluation should be unbiased, honest, and fair in pointing out both the strengths and weaknesses of the manuscript. It is crucial that reviewers do not agree to review a manuscript solely to access its content, without the intention of providing a detailed and constructive review.
  • They will prepare the report on an individual basis, unless the journal grants explicit permission to involve another person in the process.
  • All suggestions must be supported by sound academic or technological reasons. Therefore, it is essential to avoid unfair criticism or unfounded negative comments about the work of any competitor mentioned in the manuscript. Likewise, it is essential to refrain from suggesting the inclusion of citations of one's own or partners' work for the sole purpose of increasing the number of citations or improving the visibility of one's own or partners' work.
  • If they discover any irregularities related to research or publication ethics, they should communicate confidentially and cooperate with the journal. In situations where the editor manages the manuscript and decides to perform an additional review (e.g., if another reviewer was unable to provide a report), this will be done in a transparent manner and not under the guise of being an anonymous additional reviewer. Impersonating another person during the review process is considered a serious misconduct.
  • Reviewers will decline an invitation to review a manuscript if they are unfamiliar with or do not accept the evaluation model or the journal's policies, if they are aware of who the authors might be and the editor confirms this situation, if they are provided with information about the author without specifying how potential conflicts of interest will be handled, if they identify any conflict of interest when reviewing the title and abstract, if they currently work at the same institution as one of the authors or have had recent relationships, such as mentorships, close collaborations, or joint grant recipients, or if the manuscript is very similar to one they are preparing or considering submitting to another journal.

Ethical guidelines for authors

  • Authors are expected to meet rigorous quality standards, which involves conducting original research and presenting it clearly and accurately. In addition, they should provide an objective discussion of the significance of their work, supported by data that are clearly presented in the manuscript. References should be detailed to allow other investigators to reproduce the research and verify the results. Any false or intentionally inaccurate statement will be considered unethical and may result in exclusion from the paper.
  • Authors should be prepared to provide their research data along with the manuscript for editorial evaluation, and if necessary, should also be willing to make such data public. It is considered an obligation of the investigators to make these data available to the scientific community, provided that the confidentiality of the participants is guaranteed and applicable institutional rights are not violated.
  • It is the authors' responsibility to ensure that their work is completely original, and to this end they must make appropriate reference to the work of other authors by means of pertinent citations.
  • It is inappropriate to publish the same research in more than one journal or to submit the same work to several journals simultaneously. These practices may result in the exclusion of the paper. In addition, manuscripts that have already been published in other journals should not be submitted, nor should the same manuscript be submitted to another journal while it is under review in one.
  • It is imperative that manuscripts submitted to the journal include adequate acknowledgement of the work of others. Authors should cite publications that have had an influence in determining the nature of the work submitted.
  • Authorship of the article should be restricted to those who have contributed significantly to the conception, development, or interpretation of the work, and all such persons should be listed as co-authors. The principal investigator is responsible for ensuring that only these persons are acknowledged as co-authors and no others. In addition, he/she undertakes to submit the latest version of the article to the co-authors for approval and to obtain their consent for publication.
  • Authors are responsible for indicating the sources of funding for their work and should take active steps to prevent any conflict of interest that might influence the results or interpretation of their conclusions.
  • In the event that an author discovers important errors or inaccuracies in his/her published work, it is his/her responsibility to diligently inform the editors and collaborate in the correction or rectification of the article.

Ethical guidelines for editors

In accordance with COPE guidelines, the following guidelines should be taken into account in the case of members of the Editorial Committee:

  • The editor(s) in chief and other members of the Editorial Board must fulfill the roles and responsibilities established by the journal regarding the quality of their editorial opinions and decisions, whether the latter are final or subject to approval by another editor.
  • Identify reviewers, recruit new reviewers, edit special issues, write commentaries, columns or articles, and attend board meetings.
  • Declare potential conflicts of interest, such as serving on the editorial boards of other journals that have similar goals and scope and, as a result, compete for the same manuscripts or content.
  • Address and process concerns about the ethical integrity of articles within a reasonable time frame and communicate their decisions transparently.

Other cross-cutting guidelines for editors include the responsibility to evaluate the relevance of articles in relation to the journal's objectives and according to established academic and editorial criteria, as well as to ensure the quality and appropriateness of manuscripts. They must also oversee the peer review process and avoid any conflict of interest, as well as take steps to correct any significant errors, inaccurate information or offensive content in published articles. It is essential that they ensure that the ethical guidelines of the journal are followed, maintaining confidentiality at all times, and that they comply with the deadlines established for the review, acceptance and publication of manuscripts.

Rules against plagiarism and fraud

Chornancap Revista Jurídica does not accept manuscripts containing plagiarism or paraphrasing with appropriation of an author's ideas without the respective citation. The appropriation of ideas, processes, results or fragments of texts of an author without due citation, are considered dishonest and intolerable behaviors. The fabrication or falsification of data is considered fraud. The journal actively addresses these practices at all levels of editing of each issue, making use of tools such as Turnitin iThenticate anti-plagiarism software and thorough evaluation by peer reviewers.